A Photographic Walkabout is to free your mind from itself, to appreciate the world around you, to see through your lens what you might have been missing or maybe see
for the first time.You will be using this class to go on a Photographic Walkabout with your partner.
Decide what direction you want to go then begin capturing. Stay together, no matter what. After a minimum of 45 minutes, come back to the class, upload your images,
and select, between the two of you, those you think are the
most creative from the same location.
You may use Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance.
As you head out, imagine the elements around you from their perspective. Your surroundings look much different from waist high, the ground up, something other than eye level, and you may be missing some incredible photographic opportunities if you spend the majority of your time looking at your subjects from eye-level.
Change your perspective – what’s in front of you? Behind you? Beside you?
Due: End of class, Tuesday, February 9